Gets a campaign send status using send ID
This method gets the progress of a sent campaign by the campaign's send ID. It will return a status indicating where the campaign is in the sending process.
SOAP action:
Input and output parameters
The input and output parameters for this method are:
Input parameters
- Send ID - required; GUID
Output parameters
- GetCampaignSendProgressResult
- Id - GUID
- CampaignId - integer
- AddressBooks - array of integers
- integer
- ContactIds - array of integers
- integer
- SendDate - dateTime
- SplitTestOptions
- TestMetric - string ('Opens', 'Clicks')
- TestPercentage - integer
- TestPeriodHours - integer
- Status - string ('NotSent', 'Scheduled', 'Sending', 'Sent', 'Cancelled')
using (var client = new ApiServiceClient())
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var campaignSend = new ApiCampaignSend();
var sentCampaign = client.SendCampaign(campaignSend);
while (sentCampaign.Status == ApiCampaignSendStatuses.NotSent)
sentCampaign = client.GetCampaignSendProgress(sentCampaign.Id);