Gets a list of page views for a specific campaign for a contact
This method enables you to find out which pages a contact went on to view as a result of clicking a link in your campaign, which you can use to see the contact's trail through your website.
The select parameter requires a number between 1 and 1000 (0 is not a valid number). You may only select a maximum of 1000 results in a single request.
The skip parameter should be used in tandem with the select parameter when wanting to iterate through a whole data set. If you want to select the next 1000 records you should set the select parameter to 1000 and the skip parameter to 1000, which will return records 1001 to 2000. You should continue to do this until 0 records are returned to retrieve the whole data set.
SOAP action:
Input and output parameters
The input and output parameters for this method are:
Input parameters
- Campaign ID - required; integer
- Contact ID - required; integer
- Select - optional; integer
- Skip - optional; integer
Output parameters
- GetCampaignContactPageViewsResult - array of CampaignContactPageView
- CampaignContactPageView
- ContactId - integer
- Email - string
- Url - string
- DateViewed - dateTime
using (var client = new ApiServiceClient())
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var campaignId = 1;
var contactId = 1;
var select = 1000;
var skip = 0;
var campaignContactPageViews = client.GetCampaignContactPageViews(campaignId, contactId, select, skip);