
Gets a report with statistics about what was successfully imported, and what was unable to be imported

This method returns a report on a completed contact import, providing detailed statistical breakdowns on contacts successfully added, those that couldn't be added and any that are pending.

SOAP action:


Input and output parameters

The input and output parameters for this method are:

Input parameters

  • Import ID - required; GUID

Output parameters

  • GetContactImportReportResult
    • NewContacts- integer
    • UpdatedContacts - integer
    • GloballySuppressed - integer
    • InvalidEntries - integer
    • DuplicateEmails - integer
    • Blocked - integer
    • Unsubscribed - integer
    • HardBounced - integer
    • SoftBounced - integer
    • IspComplaints - integer
    • MailBlocked - integer
    • DomainSuppressed - integer
    • PendingDoubleOptIn - integer
    • Failures - integer


using (var client = new ApiServiceClient())
	client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
	client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";

	var importId = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); // Should be obtained from the status of a previous import
	var report = client.GetContactImportReport(importId);