Create preference

Creates a new preference or a new preference category

This operation creates either a new preference or a new preference category.

  • Preferences that are inside the same category must have unique private names
  • Uncategorised preferences must have unique private names
  • All categories must have unique private names
  • Preferences and categories can have the same public names

Creating a preference outside of a category

  1. Set the value of the isPreference to true
  2. Set the value of the CategoryId to null

Creating a preference inside a category

  1. Set the value of the isPreference to true
  2. Set the value of the CategoryId to the ID of an existing category

Creating a preference category

  1. Set the value of the isPreference to false
  2. Set the value of isPublic to true
  3. Set the value of the CategoryId to a unique integer

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