
Consider our REST API

The SOAP API is now deprecated and we recommend using our REST APIs instead for new integration work.


Looking for version 1.0?

We strongly recommend using version 2.0 of the API as it has more flexibility than version 1.0 and contains the most recent functionality. However, if you are still using the previous release, the SOAP-based version 1.0 is still available.

Our SOAP API documentation largely assumes you have already downloaded our WSDL description. If you haven't already done this, we strongly recommend it. The WSDL is available here:

Please see the steps below on how to add this to Visual Studio.

Find out more about SOAP and WSDL.

Adding our SOAP service reference to Visual Studio

Step 1 - Right click your project and select Add > Service Reference…


Step 2 - A dialog will appear. Enter the address and then click Go.



Make sure to enter https here and not http.

The service reference will appear in the Services window where you can explore the different methods.

You can then add the namespace of your choosing. In our example we’ve used dotmailerApi.


Step 3 - Reference the namespace in your code in a using statement and away you go.


Paging mechanism

Where API calls have paging support the following paging mechanism is used.

Each call to the API method can return up to 1000 records, the number of records to fetch is specified by the Select parameters.

To iterate through the record set you use the Select and Skip parameters in tandem. The Skip parameter allows you to specify an offset into the record set. If you want to iterate through the record set by 100 records at at time you should set the Select parameter to 100 and the Skip parameter to 0, which will return records 1 to 100. For subsequent call you should increment the Skip parameter by your Select parameter value (100) and continue to call until 0 or less than the Select parameter records are returned as this indicates the end of the record set.