Creating a JWT for an app user

Our mobile SDKs use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate your app. These are a commonly used method for providing authentication and authorization using one simple token.

In your code, you'll need to create a function that generates a valid JWT using the JWT authorization details configured in your App Messaging channels Authentication settings , and a cryptographic nonce which we pass. We will refer to this as the challenge function.

Required JWT Claims

Whichever provider or method you use to create a JWT, the JWT's claims must include the following with values provided in the Authentication fields in your App Messaging channels Authentication settings you setup in the portal:

JWT ClaimValue
issThe Issuer value in your Engagement Cloud push notification profile
audThe Audience value in your Engagement Cloud push notification profile
subA unique and consistent identifier for the user, such as a user id, email address
nonceThe nonce is used to randomize the ciphers for added security

The role of the sub claim

The sub claim in the JWT is used to identify the push profile that is later associated with your Engagement Cloud contact when you set the email address on the profile. It needs to be unique and preferably consistent per user so that if a user uses your app on multiple devices all these devices are grouped under the same push profile id and therefore when you send a push to the contact it is sent to all their devices.


Using a unique and consistent value per user for the sub claim

If you cannot allocate a unique and consistent sub claim for a user possibly because your app allows anonymous users, then you must use a unique and consistent identifier for the device, such as a GUID which you store in the app, then contacts will be restricted to a single device for pushes.


Using a random, unique, consistent value for the sub claim per user


Ensure your sub claim is unique and consistent per user

The value you pass in the sub claim will be the unique user id and cannot be changed later. It is really important that the values are unique per user, and ideally don't change between installs.

Signing the JWT

JWTs are digitally signed to prove it was issued by a trusted party. You must sign the JWT with the value of the Shared secret field from your App Messaging channels Authentication settings and the nonce we pass your function to prove it was issued by you.



A cryptographic nonce must also be used by your JWT provider when creating the token to ensure that tokens always appear different even if they contain the same claims, this is a common security practice with cryptography. The SDK passes this nonce as an argument to your challenge function during initialisation of the SDK where you will create or retrieve a JWT for your app user.


Important security note

We recommend that you do not hard code your shared secret on the client side. Instead, this value should be stored on the server side.

Sample Code

The following example code demonstrates how to create a challenge function and a self issued JWT for both Android and iOS:

Android JWT code sample

JWT provider: Java JWT.

Any class that you create to generate a JWT token must extend the ComapiAuthenticator class.

Any logic that creates the JWT token must be inside the onAuthenticationChallenge() method.
This method takes two parameters: AuthClient and ChallengeOptions.

Get the value of the nonce by calling the ChallengeOptions.GetNonce() method

When your JWT token is returned, pass it to the authenticateWithToken() method of the AuthClient object.

package com.example.testapp;

import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;

import com.comapi.ComapiAuthenticator;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts;
import io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm;

public class ChallengeHandler extends ComapiAuthenticator {

    public void onAuthenticationChallenge(AuthClient authClient, ChallengeOptions challengeOptions) {

      try {

        byte[] data;
        //<Shared secret> string must be the same as the value of the 'Shared secret' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud. 
        data = "<Shared secret>".getBytes("UTF-8");

        String base64Secret = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT);

        Map<String, Object> header = new HashMap<>();
        header.put("typ", "JWT");

        Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
        claims.put("nonce", challengeOptions.getNonce());
        //<ID claim> string must be the same as the value of the 'ID claim' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        claims.put("sub", "<ID claim>");
        //<Audience> string must be the same as the value of the 'Audience' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        claims.put("aud", "<Audience>");
        //<Issuer> string must be the same as the value of the 'Issuer' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        claims.put("iss", "<Issuer>");
        claims.put("iat", System.currentTimeMillis());
        claims.put("exp", System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(30));

        final String token = Jwts.builder()
          .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, base64Secret)

        //Pass the JWT token to the SDK.

      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        //Authorisation failed.

iOS JWT code sample

Here's an example implementation of a token generator in Objective-C and Swift using JWT

#import "CMPAuthenticationManager.h"
#import <JWT/JWT.h>

@implementation CMPAuthenticationManager

+ (NSString *)generateTokenForNonce:(NSString *)nonce profileID:(NSString *)profileID issuer:(NSString *)issuer audience:(NSString *)audience secret:(NSString *)secret {
    NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
    NSDate *exp = [NSCalendar.currentCalendar dateByAddingUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay value:30 toDate:now options:0];
    NSDictionary *headers = @{@"typ" : @"JWT"};
    NSDictionary *payload = @{@"nonce" : nonce,
                               @"sub" : profileID,
                               @"iss" : issuer,
                               @"aud" : audience,
                               @"iat" : [NSNumber numberWithDouble:now.timeIntervalSince1970],
                               @"exp" : [NSNumber numberWithDouble:exp.timeIntervalSince1970]};
    NSData *secretData = [secret dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    id<JWTAlgorithm> algorithm = [JWTAlgorithmFactory algorithmByName:@"HS256"];
    NSString *token = [JWTBuilder encodePayload:payload].headers(headers).secretData(secretData).algorithm(algorithm).encode;
    return token;

/* Note that this should preferably be generated by your backend, the app should only retreive the token through an HTTP call */
import JWT

class JWTokenGenerator {
    struct AuthHeaders {
        static let HeaderType = "JWT"
    static func generate(tokenFor nonce: String, profileId: String, issuer: String, audience: String, secret: String) -> String {
        let now = Date()
        let exp = .day, value: 30, to: now)!
        let base64SecretKey = .utf8)!
        let headers = ["typ" : NSString.init(string: AuthHeaders.HeaderType)] as [AnyHashable : Any]
        let claims = ["nonce" : NSString.init(string: nonce),
                      "sub" : NSString.init(string: profileId),
                      "iss" : NSString.init(string: issuer),
                      "aud" : NSString.init(string: audience),
                      "iat" : NSNumber(value: now.timeIntervalSince1970),
                      "exp" : NSNumber(value: exp.timeIntervalSince1970)] as [AnyHashable : Any]
        let algorithm = JWTAlgorithmFactory.algorithm(byName: "HS256")
        let e = JWTBuilder.encodePayload(claims)!
        let h = e.headers(headers)!
        let s = h.secretData(base64SecretKey)!
        let b = s.algorithm(algorithm)!
        let token = b.encode

        return token!

/* Note that this should preferably be generated by your backend, the app should only retreive the token through an HTTP call */

JavaScript JWT code sample

JWT provider: jsrassign library.

Get the value of the nonce by using the nonce property of the first parameter.

When your JWT token is returned, pass it to the answerAuthenticationChallenge() function (second parameter of your challengeHandler() function).

function challengeHandler (options, answerAuthenticationChallenge) {
    // Header
    var oHeader = { alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT' };
    // Payload
    var tNow = KJUR.jws.IntDate.get('now');
    var tEnd = KJUR.jws.IntDate.get('now + 1day');
    var oPayload = {
      	//<ID claim> string must be the same as the value of the 'ID claim' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        sub: "<ID Claim>",
        nonce: options.nonce,
      	//<Audience> string must be the same as the value of the 'Audience' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        aud: "<Audience>",
      //<Issuer> string must be the same as the value of the 'Issuer' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud.
        iss: "<Issuer>",
        iat: tNow,
        exp: tEnd,
    var sHeader = JSON.stringify(oHeader);
    var sPayload = JSON.stringify(oPayload);
  	//<Shared secret> string must be the same as the value of the 'Shared secret' field in your push notification profile in Engagement Cloud. 
    var sJWT = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign("HS256", sHeader, sPayload, {utf8: "<Shared secret>"});