Upload campaign image

Uploads a new campaign image to a specified folder

This operation uploads a new campaign image to the specified folder.

Please note that the root document folder ID is 0

It can accept either a file uploaded using form data or a JSON body with the filename and file data in Base64. You can choose which method works best for you.


We only accept supported file types for security reasons

The fileName must end with a recognized file extension, such as jpg, png etc...

The permitted file types are as follows:

File extensionMIME typeFile type
.gifimage/gifGIF Image
.jfiimage/jpegJPEG Image
.jfifimage/jpegJPEG Image
.jifimage/jpegJPEG Image
.jpeimage/jpegJPEG Image
.jpegimage/jpegJPEG Image
.jpgimage/jpegJPEG Image
.pngimage/pngPNG image
.svgimage/svg+xmlVector image

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!