Gets a single survey by its ID
This method retrieves a survey by its ID.
SOAP action:
Input and output parameters
The input and output parameters for this method are:
Input parameters
- Survey ID - required; integer
Output parameters
- GetSurveyByIdResult
- Id - integer
- Name - string
- Url - string
- DateSurveyCreated - dateTime
- DateSurveyModified - dateTime
- State - string (Active', 'Inactive', 'Pending', 'Expired', 'SurveyFeatureDisabled')
- FirstActiveDate - dateTime
- LastInactiveDate - dateTime
- ScheduledStartDate - dateTime
- ScheduledEndDate - dateTime
- ConfirmationMode - string ('Text', 'Url')
- SubmissionMode - string ('Single', 'Multiple')
- FieldCount - integer
- NotifyCreatorOnResponse - boolean
- RespondentNotificationType - string ('None', 'Basic', 'Campaign')
- RespondentNotificationCampaignId - integer
- IsAssignedToAddressBook - boolean
- AssignedAddressBookTarget - string('AllContacts', 'SpecificAddressBook')
- AssignedSpecificAddressBookId - integer
- FirstResponseDate - dateTime
- LastResponseDate - dateTime
- TotalCompleteResponses - integer
- TotalCompleteResponsesInLastDay - integer
- TotalCompleteResponsesInLastWeek - integer
- TotalIncompleteResponses - integer
- TotalViews - integer
- TotalBounces - integer
- TimeToCompleteMax - integer
- TimeToCompleteMin - integer
- TimeToCompleteTotal - long
- SourceDirectTotal - integer
- SourceEmailTotal - integer
- SourceEmbeddedTotal - integer
- SourcePopoverTotal - integer
- SourceFacebookTotal - integer
- SourceTwitterTotal - integer
- SourceGooglePlusTotal - integer
- SourceOtherTotal - integer
using (var client = new ApiServiceClient())
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var surveyId = 1;
var survey = client.GetSurveyById(surveyId);