Gets the import status of a previously started contact import
This method gets the progress of a contact import. It will return a status indicating where the contact import is currently at.
The possible status types are:
- 'Finished' - The import has been accepted and has successfully imported
- 'NotFinished' - The import has been accepted, but has not yet finished
- 'RejectedByWatchdog' - The import was rejected by the Data Watchdog due to concerns with the quality of your email data; please contact support
- 'InvalidFileFormat' - The file imported was not in the advised CSV or Excel format
- 'Unknown' - The import has an unknown state which could indicate an invalid import ID; please contact support
- 'Failed' - The import has failed; please contact support
- 'ExceedsAllowedContactLimit' - The contacts you're trying to import exceeds your account's contact limit
- 'NotAvailableInThisVersion' - This feature is not available in the version of the API you're using
SOAP action:
Input and output parameters
The input and output parameters for this method are:
Input parameters
- Import ID - required; GUID
Output parameters
- GetContactImportProgressResult
- Id - GUID
- Status - string ('Finished', 'NotFinished', 'RejectedByWatchdog', 'InvalidFileFormat', 'ExceedsAllowedContactLimit', 'Unknown', 'Failed')
using (var client = new ApiServiceClient())
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var path = @"contacts.csv";
var data = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
var dataType = "test/csv";
var contactImport = client.ImportContacts(data, dataType);
while (contactImport.Status == ApiContactImportStatuses.NotFinished)
contactImport = client.GetContactImportProgress(contactImport.Id);