Verified Integration Tracking

To enable Dotdigital to track the usage of partners integrations we require verified partner integrations to include a unique integration token with each call to our APIs made by the integration.

Our Partner Engineering team will issue your integration with a unique integration token when you start the verification process with us for your integration.

What needs to be changed?

Simply ensure that you include the custom HTTP header x-ddg-integration-token with a value of your integrations unique integration token, on all API calls made by your integration to Dotdigital, and that is all that is required.

Example call:

GET /v2/account-info HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==
x-ddg-integration-token: fbb52167-e624-4f19-ae46-7db9fa808fcc

How does it work?

As your integration makes calls to Dotdigital's APIs in order to do it's work we detect the x-ddg-integration-token HTTP header and use this to indicate a mutual customer is using your integration.

If we do not see any API calls from your integration for a mutual customer for a prolonged period ( 30 days ) then we assume they are no longer using the integration.

What are the benefits

As a verified integration your integration will show up automatically within Dotdigital in the Connect area. It will be discoverable to all Dotdigital users in our integrations catalog, and for any mutual customers using it will be shown as an installed integration. This gives the mutual customer visibility of the integration and provides a way of linking back to your platform from Dotdigital.

To have a verified integration you must be a verified Dotdigital technology partner, find out more about becoming a partner here.