
Are you ready to send SMS within your target countries?

The ability to send SMS via the Omnichannel API is restricted to accounts that have SMS pay as you go enabled, so please contact us if you want this enabled.

Sending SMS internationally can be complex as each country has their own regulations and requirements for businesses sending SMS, such as being pre-registered to send, only using shortcodes, specific opt-in and opt-out requirements etc...

Please contact us to discuss your SMS requirements prior to using the API to avoid issues.

This is a guide to help you understand the SMS channel.


An SMS originator (the number of name you send SMS from) is required to receive inbound SMS or to give your application a recognizable identity to your customers. You can send using our Localizer & Stitching without the need for an originator, but your pool numbers will change, so making recognizing your communications more difficult for the customer.

You can send SMS from the following types of originator:

Mobile number447123123123A mobile number in international format. These can be rented for your desired country from us
Short Code60006A short numeric identifier that requires companies to register for. These can be rented for your desired country from us
AlphaAcmeString value between 2-11 characters of 0-9, a-z, A-Z, hyphen, underscore, full-stop and space

Please contact us to discuss and arrange adding originators to your account(s).

Sending SMS

Find out how to send SMS using the Omnichannel API here

Alternatively you can also send triggered SMS using Dotdigital's program builder and the Triggered SMS channel; find out how here.

Receiving SMS

If you want to send inbound messages to your own systems for processing see our Webhooks documentation for more information on how to receive data from us.


Webhooks work for all SMS

You can receive webhooks for SMS sent using the Omnichannel API or within Dotdigital.