Add products to your product catalog

Dotdigital's EasyEditor features product blocks that can be dragged and dropped into campaigns, allowing you to showcase, promote and sell your products. In order for products to be available for selection in a product block, you need to add them to your account's AccountInsight in a collection name that's prefixed with 'catalog_'.

It's also compulsory to feature the following five keys for a product (check out the full product schema):

  • the name of the product
  • the stock keeping unit (sku) of the product
  • the price of the product
  • the URL for the product in your online store; recipients will be taken here when clicking on the product
  • the image path of the product that will be used in the product block

If the collection's name isn't prefixed with 'catalog_' and the five required keys aren't observed then products added in this way _won't _be available for selection in product blocks.

Products can be added to an account's AccountInsight using either of REST's:

Here's an example of what a product's structure could look like in JSON form (note that the contact identifier needs to be "account" to add the data to AccountInsight):

  "key": "PR00001",
  "contactIdentifier": "account",
  "json": "{ \r\n  \"name\": \"Plaid Cotton Shirt-Royal Blue-L\", \r\n  \"short_description\": \"This everyday shirt is equally stylish with jeans or trousers.\", \r\n  \"sku\": \"msj006c-Royal Blue-L\", \r\n  \"price\": 160, \r\n  \"department\": \"menswear\", \r\n  \"url\": \"\", \r\n  \"image_path\": \"\"\r\n}"


A word of warning on non-HTTPS images

Please be mindful about serving non-HTTPS product images in your campaign. Over recent years, webmail services such as Gmail and have defaulted to SSL when users log in. This means images served over HTTP represent a non-secure source and as such the email will cause a warning when viewed in recipient browsers. In which case, we advise serving only HTTPS images.