Update contact with consent and preferences

Updates a contact by id with their consent information and/or preferences


We apply API rate limiting, so use bulk calls where possible!

If you're looking to import or update multiple contacts at once, then we highly recommend using Bulk import contacts instead.

It allows you to import a collection of contacts and has the benefit of being a single API call only, making it far less likely that your account will exceed its API calls per hour limit.


Need to add contacts to an address book as well?

The following methods can create/update a contact whilst adding them to an address book therefore saving time and API calls.

Check out Bulk import contacts when working on multiple contacts and Add contact to address book when working with a single contact.

This operation updates a contact with ConsentInsight data and marketing preferences if that contact has a given ID in your account . This information, which you specify in the request body, replaces any existing information for the contact.

Setting the OptInType to 'VerifiedDouble' will result in a double opt-in confirmation email being sent to the contact. The result will state that the contact's OptInType is 'Double' and Status is 'PendingOptIn'. These will only update to 'VerifiedDouble' and 'Subscribed' respectively once the contact has clicked the link in the confirmation email, at which point they will be added to the account.

To opt in contacts to preferences, set the isOptedIn key to true

To opt out contacts from preferences, set the isOptedIn key to false, or do not specify those preferences in the request body.

To clear a contacts data field pass a null value.

Note that this operation can also be used to create a contact. To do this, in the ID path parameter, enter an ID that doesn't already exist. Or, enter 0 in the ID path parameter, and in the request body, enter an email address that doesn't already exist in your account. The contact will be created (with a valid ID) in the 'All contacts' address book.


Are you importing multiple contacts with consent?

If you're looking to import or update multiple contacts with consent information at once, then we highly recommend using Bulk import contacts instead.

It allows you to import a file and has the benefit of being a single API call only, making it far less likely that your account will exceed its API calls per hour limit.

However, when using the 'Bulk import contacts' call with consent information, you'll need to specify the following additional column headers in your file in order to successfully import consent:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!